资源名称:Vim 101 Hacks( Ramesh Natarajan) 英文PDF

If you are spending significant amount of yolinux教程菜鸟教程ur time on Ulinux工程师工作内容nix or Linux environment, you may have to use Vi / Vim editor freq搭建代理服务器教程uently. Mastering the Vim editor fundamentals and knowing how to u操作系统属于什么软件se it effectively will instantly bo操作系统的五大功能o操作系统技术壁垒st your productivity.
This book contains 101 Vim hacks (example操作系统教程第五版s) that will help you to become fast and productive on t操作系统教程第六版he Vim editor.
All the hacks in this book are explained with appropriate Vim editor command e操作系统技术特征xamples that are crisp and easy to follo操作系统按其功能关系分为系统层管理层和什么层w.
There are a lot of editors, most of which offer only modest functionality and little comfort. Well, all of these tools have their place, bu操作系统技术壁垒t a professional user needs professional tools. You have opted for Vim – a very good choice.


