资源名称:Pro C# 5.0与.NET 4.5高级程序设计(第6版) 英文pdf

This new edition ofPro C# 5.0 and the .NET 4.5 Platform has been complNET编程语言包括etely revised and rewritten to reflect the latest changes to the C# language specic#教学视频教程fication and.net 开发教程 new advances in the .NET Framework. You'll find new chapters coveri博图编程教程ng all the importantNET编程语言 new features that make .NET 4.5 the most comprehensive release yet, including: .NET APIs for Wc#教学视频教程indows 8 style UI apps New asynchronousnetcore视频教程 task-based modelc#编程入门指南 for async operations How HTML5 support is beikmbox net教程ng wrapped into C#net开发和java开发的区别 web applications Nec#编程代码大全w programming interfaces for HTTP applications, including improved IPv6 support Expanded WPF, WCF and WF libraries giving C# more powc语言编程视频教程er than ever before This comes on top of award winning coverage of core C# features, both old and new, that have博图编程教程 made the previous editionsNET编程基础形考实践答案 of this book so popular (you'll find everything from generics to pLINQ covered here). What you'll learn Be the first to understand the .NET 4.5 plNET编程基础实践作业3atform and Visual C# 2012. Discover the ins and outs of the leading .NET technology. Learn from an award-winning author who has been teaching the .NET world since version 1.0. Find complete coverage of XAML, .NET 4.5 and Visual Studio 12 together with discussion of the nNET编程语言ew Windowc#编程代码大全s Runtime. Who this book is for
If you're checking out this book for the first timc#编程入门指南e, do understand that it's targeted at experienced software professionals onet5.0教程r graduate studentc#编程实例100篇s of computer science (so don't expect three chapNET开发工程师ters on iteration or decision constructs ). Table of Contents 1. The Philosophy of .NET 2. Building C# Applicati用c#编程ons 3. Core C#c#教学视频教程 Programming Constructs Part I 4. Core C# Programming Constructs Part II 5. Understanding Encapsulation 6. Understanding Inheritance and Polymorphism 7. UNET编程基础实践作业3nderstanding Structured Exception Handling 8. Working with Interfaces 9. Collect.net视频教程ions and Generics 10. Delegates, Events and Lamb.net开发技术da Expressions 11. Advanced C# Language Features.net开发app教程 12. Lnet开发和java开发的区别INQ tonet培训视频教程 Objects 13. Understanding Object Lifetime 14. Building and Configuring Class Libraries 15. Type Reflection, Late Binding, andnet开发前景如何 Attributes 16. Dynamic Types and DynaNeT编程基础期末mic Language Runtime 17. Processes, AppDomains and Object Contextnet开发与java开发区别s 18. Understanding CIL and the Rnet编程开发ole of Dynamic Assemblies 19. Multi博图编程教程threaded, Paralleland Async Programnet入门教程ming 20.File I O and Object SerialNET编程语言ization 21. ADnet开发和java开发的区别O.NET Part I: The Connected Layer 22. ADO.NET Parscratch编程教程t II: The Disconnected Layer 23. ADO.NET Part III: The Entity Framework 24..net视频教程 Introducingpowermill2017编程教程 LINQ to XML 25. Introdu.net开发应该掌握哪些?cing Windows Communication Foundatiopowermill2017编程教程n 26. Introducing Windows Wpowermill2017编程教程orkflow Foundation 27. Introducing Windows Presentation Foundation and XAML 28. Programming with WPF Controls 29. WPF Graphical Rendering Services 30. WPF Resources, Animatnet 开发ions and Styles 31. Dependency Properties, Routed Evenet打开教程nts and Templates 32. Introducnet开发框架有哪几种ing ASP.NET Wekmbox net教程b Forms 33. ASP.NET Web Controlsnetcore视频教程, Master Pages anet培训视频教程nd Themes


