资源截图:Professional iOS Programming 英文PDF

Part I: Developing a Professional UI
Chapter 1. Creating a Personal Library
Chaptandroid开发学习网er 2. Advancing with Tableviews
Chapter 3. Advancing with Map Kit移动开发的现状和前景
Chapter 4. Understanding Action Views and Alert移动开发是做什么的s
Chapter 5. Internatapp开发公司哪家好ionaandroid开发是前端还是后端lization: Buildandroid开发学习网ing Apps for the World
Chapter 6.ios开发是做什么的 Using Multimedia
Part II: Networking–Data Processing
Chapter 7. Us移动开发技术有哪些ing Web Services and Parsing
Chapter 8. Using FTP
Chapter 9. Implementing Core Data
Part III: In移动开发技术有哪些tegrating Your App
Chapter 10. Notifications
Chapter 11. Sending E?Mail, SMS, and Dialing a Phone
Chapter 12. Understanding the Address Book
Chapter 13. Event Programming
Chapapp开发需要哪些技术ter 14. Integrating with Social Media
Part IV: Takingandroid开发学习网 Your Application to Production
Chapter 15. Analyzing Your Application
Chapter 16. Monet移动开发票的操作流程ize Your App
Chapterios开发工程师 17. Understanding iTunes Connectios开发语言
Chapter 18. Building and Distribution


